Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kiev to Donbass: Minsk always meant your unconditional capitulation, and capitulation is always unilateral; the Kremlin didn't brief you on this, no kidding?

Kiev officially responded to the DPR/LPR unilateral self-demilitarization by making clear that, like Minsk itself, this too is seen as a matter of Donbass unilateral and unconditional capitulation.
Thus, according to Kiev, the DPR/LPR "concessions" (withdrawals etc.) are merely a beginning of the capitulation process prescribed by Minsk and sanctioned by Moscow.

The DPR and LPR (despite conscious lies of the Kremlin propagandists) are considered by Kiev as illegal, terrorist formations which have no right to exist. Any so-called special status or a sort of formal local governance applies, according to Kiev, only to the regions cleared of any DPR/LPR formations and structures. 

The Banderite regime's message to Donbass is thus, in contrast with the way too clever, cunning planners in Moscow, almost a plain text: Minsk always meant your unconditional capitulation, and capitulation is always unilateral; the Kremlin didn't brief you on this, no kidding? 

"Киев назвал условие отвода вооружений в Донбассе - капитуляция. Отвод Киевом вооружений от линии соприкосновения в Донбассе будет зависеть от выполнения ополченцами заключенных в Минске соглашений, заявил представитель администрации президента Украины по вопросам спецоперации Александр Мотузяник. сообщает РИА «Новости».
На вопрос о том, смогут ли стороны во вторник на встрече трехсторонней контактной группы в Минске договориться об отводе вооружений, Мотузяник сказал: «Я думаю, что все будет зависеть опять-таки от действий незаконных вооруженных формирований. Во-первых, должны соблюдаться минские договоренности в части прекращения огня со стороны боевиков, соблюдение «режима тишины».
Хотя бы несколько дней такой режим будет соблюдаться, можно будет говорить о дальнейшем выполнении минских соглашений, которые предусмотрены».
Так как о прекращении огня со стороны ВСУ речи не идет вообще, то данное предложение больше походит на требование капитуляции армии ВСН."

1 comment:

  1. An interesting post, but disconcerting. The phrase "despite conscious lies of the Kremlin propagandists" makes it sound as if this report came from an enemy source. Who is the author? The fact that the DPR/LPR are not "terrorists", as Kiev falsely claims, has of course been acknowledged even by the US and the EU, who refused to designate them as such. It does sometimes seem, though, that the Kremlin is in fact promoting the DPR/LPR "capitulation" in order to force the success of the Minsk Agreements Putin's consistent goal since the February 2014 coup has been "Ukrainian territorial integrity", possibly partly because he is mandated to uphold this according to the Budapest Memorandum. Apparently he believes Minsk is the only means to achieve this ill-conceived goal. Some different persectives on the DPR/LPR withdrawal may be found at:

    The Saker at Russia Insider:
    And another lcommentary at Quemado Insitute:
