Monday, December 30, 2019

In the last decades of the Soviet system the Soviet communists were so dummified by the dogmas that they were not able to distinquish in their ranks communists from fascists and already incubating mafia criminals

Повторять придется и подчеркивать надо основной, основополагающий факт: Путинская Россия сегодня гораздо -- на много более фашистская, антисоциальная и пошлая чем Европейская Уния или США.  А это самый хужий способ для народа и страны как "праздновать" 75-летнюю Победу над фашизмом своих дедов в Отечественной Войне.

It is necessary to repeat and emphasize the basic, fundamental fact: Putin's Russia today is much more, significantly more fascist, antisocial, immoral, amoral and base than the European Union or the USA. And this is the worst way for the people and the country how to "celebrate" the 75-year Victory over the fascism by their grandfathers in World War II, in "the Great Patriotic War."

When the Soviet Union "fell apart" (was deliberately liquidated from above), both the West and Russia's ruling post-Soviet establishment made of yesterday's communists agreed and decided that, for their own safety and further plans, the scum of society ought to be in charge from now on.

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Stalin is oftentimes quoted wittingly asking how many divisions the Pope had, reputedly making a point along with Mao that the political or true power grows out of the barrel of a gun. And yet Stalin's quip contains in itself also a key to the farce and the tragedy of Soviet communism. For unbeknownst to nearly all the communists, atheists and materialists, it was the Vatican who played communism, including Soviet communism, like a maestro playing a villager's fiddle with the result that, in the end, all the many army divisions and all the barrels, and millions of them, whether of the guns, tanks or even nuclear missiles, meant absolutely nothing and Soviet communism folded like a sand castle on the beach while the Vatican and Christianity will be soon 2000 years old. Not to mention the fact that the same Soviet divisions and barrels were in the end turned against the communist system itself in the Soviet Union and against the last few islands of resistance which were still clueless about what happened and why.

Both the mandarins and the priests of Rome
do count time both slow and long,
and their rod and measure are not yours,
unless you take a clue
from God’s higher perspective

to which all that appears
in man’s naked eye
is from above not more
than a motley kaleidoscope

cast on the world
by a little busy bee
who learned her flowers
and likes her drills.

For God sees and knows
not only different patterns,
but knows and counts
the codes of codes—

And the case in point?
The mandarins of China
and the priests of Rome.
They do count in ages,
and not—in a bee’s time.
One of the other big and tremendous historic ironies is that, while the Soviet communists were beholden to materialism and preaching materialism, it was the West, and especially the US, that showed in practice the true meaning of materialism and its higher, more advanced uses, moreover, covering nearly all its spectrum--from the most vulgar all the way to its refine riches, which the Soviet top nomenklatura materialists could not longer stand without switching the sides. It was and is also in the West and in the US where materialism has been developed furthest together with all its paradoxes and a number of its dialectic inversions and negations. In the Soviet Union, materialism very quickly became just a form of official hypocrisy and a lame excuse for the lack of thought, philosophy and spirit.

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Выполняя приказ, Иванов установил деловые связи с Тамбовской преступной группировкой и ее лидером Владимиром Кумариным. Тамбовская ОПГ вела битву не на жизнь, а на смерть с другой могущественной бандой — Малышевской — и ее лидером Малышевым. В этой гангстерской войне Иванов принял сторону Кумарина и помог его группировке победить. Основным активом, за который они бились, был Санкт-Петербургский морской порт, который использовали как перевалочную базу при перевозке колумбийских наркотиков в Западную Европу.

В результате этого сомнительного делового сотрудничества Иванов приобрел долю в капитале Санкт-Петербургского морского порта, и этим бизнесом он управляет до сих пор. С другой стороны, в середине 1990-х Тамбовская ОПГ трансформировалась в холдинг с множеством филиалов и дочерних компаний.

По иронии судьбы, пока Иванов сотрудничал с бандитами, его перевели в отдел по борьбе с контрабандой и назначили его начальником. Когда Иванов сотрудничал с бандитами, ему покровительствовал Владимир Путин, который отвечал за внешнеэкономические связи в мэрии Санкт-Петербурга, возглавляемой Анатолием Собчаком.

Сам Путин в те времена не был абсолютно чист перед законом. Так, 12 июня 2000 года председатель СБУ (Служба безопасности Украины, наследница КГБ) Леонид Деркач составил секретный доклад президенту Леониду Кучме, основанный на документах, которые, как утверждает Деркач, были получены СБУ в Германии. Согласно этим документам, германская компания SPAG с ведома Путина отмывала деньги колумбийского наркокартеля, вкладывая их в петербургскую недвижимость. Путин был членом «комитета советников» SPAG, а Владимир Кумарин был членом совета директоров одной из дочерних компаний SPAG. Кучма дал Деркач указание устно проинформировать об этом американцев.

Это были странные времена. Иванов, глава департамента ФСБ, боровшегося с контрабандой, сотрудничал с Тамбовской ОПГ, помогая ей получить контроль над Санкт-Петербургским морским портом. Морской порт бандиты использовали для перевозки наркотиков в Европу. Путин в мэрии консультировал компанию SPAG, по некоторым сведениям, отмывавшую в Петербурге деньги колумбийского наркокартеля. Кумарин, лидер Тамбовской ОПГ, был в совете директоров дочерней компании SPAG.

В эти времена и сложились особые отношения между Путиным и Ивановым."

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Before Nations like Russia Start to Die and Topple, They Turn into a Pyramid Scheme

                        between wanting justice for all
                                                and just talking about it
like the most hollow man on earth
            marching with stale, blanding slogans,
as they turned with a new step
into lingerie of power
                                    over cobblestones of people,

that the Maslow pyramid OF NEEDS—or was it
                                                that one topped off with an eye
whose vision is 20/20
                        according to a Divine Optician
since it sees all and everyone
                                                as a caving womb?—


and turned over to DESIRE
with a caveat of Moloch
and running on so many nasty footnotes
that it looks more and more like some maggot
                        who is never going to fly
            and never be a butterfly
for it was conceived
                        as the endpoint of all

            of what Russia used to be and could be
when Tchaikovsky was trying his fingers
                                                            on the piano
even in that moment already
                        the Great Inquisitor had already planned it out
            and, in The Idiot, Dostoevsky
                                    had already the good pal Jesus
                        metamorphosed into a rich men’s harlot,
sacrificed for the BIG U-TURNING
            by a merchant
(christened Hornish)
                                    with a bit of help and input
from some “really good” Russian,
the “Mouse” plus the “Idiot,”
whom a band of Swiss psychiatrists
sent back home on a trip and mission.

For somehow already there
                        the old Greek venerable AGLAYA,
            meaning “splendor, brilliant, shining one”
was already translated and treated
                        through new American hearing devices
            as the UGLY ONE
                                    of the Good,
the new STANDARD            for the IDIOTIC.

And, just as the old Maslow pyramid of needs
                        was built at first
                                    and then toppled
in the name of that one new Jesus

(“the absolutely best one in the world”
as the Kremlin assured),

blessed by the Inquisitor
under the cries of Hosanna
by the friends of the Eye on top of a tool
that sees it all              as a caving womb,
in her new exaltation
                        at the expense of her own nation,

            and the new top that used to be the bottom
                                                and the Netherworld
declared itself as NEW HEAVEN
                                    ON EARTH AND ON THE BODY OF RUSSIA,
saddling as hell
            what used to be Heaven
                                    and pressing it like a grave and a tomb
                        down into the womb—the worm of Hell.

            And now above it—the new Underworld
is basking, preaching—
                        and its men
whom God somehow chose to make too short
for any antique or old world’s greatness
are just like Maslow saw it—
                        a collapsing reduction
                                                between ass and mouth,

and all the higher needs
                                    now count as lower
            in the new nomeklatura and its assinity power
under the whipping, knocking knout of which
                                                Russia is moving
past the phase of a dead soul
and developing
                        at the “higher” plane of corpse
with the PR men
                        for her beauticians,

all the while her hospitals, hard trying
to handle all the morbidity wealth and flow,  
are running themselves as new human ruins
owned by some old crazy
            who wants to end it all
at the denominator of all the lowest.