Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Poroshenko and Merkel to Putin: Tear down these elections in Donbass! And Putin did! Even without a whimper.

As Lori and I predicted, DLPR under the command of Moscow under the command of Kiev and the West cancelled its due "elections." "New elections" are to be held on February 21, 2015. To cover, Moscow's yielding to the junta, the DPR and LPR declaration includes supposed "demands" to Kiev (special status, amnesty, a constitutional amendment), which Kiev already rejected--for neither the junta nor the West accept any "demands" or even "requests" from "particular areas" uf Ukraine (formerly known as DPR and LPR). And, also, when Poroshenko said yesterday, that the October and November elections in the DPR and the LPR, would be canceled, he was telling the truth--Moscow already told him what Moscow (Putin) agreed to.

Pushilin and Deynego in their joint offcial statement announcing the cancellation of the October and November elections also went ahead and cancelled the existence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics by calling these merely "Donetsk and Lugansk regions" or  "Donbass."

Just tow days ago Pushilin was slyly smiling standing behind Zakharchenko at a Donetsk stadium where Zakharchenko was hailing the DPR flag (gradually now disappearing) and saying that if anyone betrays his country (presumably the DPR), then he is not worth even a penny.

From Pushilin's and Denynego's today's statement:

 "за это время Украина будет обязана выполнить все взятые на себя по минским соглашениям обязательства: предоставить Донбассу особый статус, не допустить преследования и наказания лиц - участников событий на территории Донецкой и Луганской областей, а также переголосовать поправки в Конституцию в новой, согласованной с нами редакции".

В заявлении отмечается, что проект особого закона о выборах в восточных регионах страны, равно как и проекты поправок в Конституцию Украины и других актов, должны предварительно получать согласие со стороны всех участников мирного процесса на Донбассе. В случае, если Верховная Рада самовольно внесет поправки в текст соглашений, это будет рассматриваться как серьезное нарушение комплекса мер соглашений, достигнутых в Минске. При этом непризнанные республики подтвердили приверженность мирному процессу "ради достойной жизни и защиты прав народа Донбасса".


Today's "decision" of the DPR and the LPR to cancel the October and November "elections" did not require even a symbolic rubber-stamp vote from the irrelevant "parliaments" condemned by Moscow handlers to exist as a vacuum filled with vacuous deputies. It was enough for Kiev and the West to declare them illegal and demand that they be cancelled, and Putin ordered his staff to talk down to the DPR and the LPR and it did not even take this long this time to see the result.

The symbolism of this decision and to what the Kremlin reduced the people who rose up against the fascist junta in defense of Russia and the Russian interests is a story which the elections billboards from the Donetsk "People's" Republic present:

"Free elections to the free people!"
"We will vote for Life!"
"Donbass decides: "We will elect people's power!"
"Donbass choice: We vote for the future!"

Letter from Donetsk: "Columns with humanitarian aid from oligarch Akhmetov are coming every day and night. The mood of the NAF soldiers is one of depression; everyone says that Ukropia is coming and that we are going there. In the Ministry of State Security of the DPR, agents from Kiev's SBU are working [now all but openly]. They feel very secure now. In the National Soviet [the DPR Parliament], as it turned out, former aids of the Ukrainian Parliament [oligarchic, traitorous Party of Regions] are occupying the positions."

"Регулярно и днём, и ночью заходят колонны с ахметкиной гуманитаркой. Настроение у военных депрессивное, все только и говорят о том, что укропия идёт к нам, а мы навстречу ей.
В МГБ работают люди из СБУ. Чувствуют они себя тут очень неплохо. В Народном Совете работают, как оказалось, бывшие помощники депутатов Верховной Рады."

The 70 anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazism, Putin defined the "peace," return of Russian, antifascist Donbass, under the power of the fascist, anti-Russian regime, a NATO vassal, as Russia's "unconditional" demand which has "no alternative." He also made the DPR and the LPR (what, under Moscow's command, is left of Novorossiya) keep asking the fascists for Donbass "amnesty" from the same fascist government, the same which organized and carried out the Odessa massacre. In return, Putin is asking merely for being loved, worshiped, and obeyed.

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