Thursday, December 3, 2015

A bit of esoterism in Putin's speech as a clever message-signal to or from foreign authors and lovers of clever plots

While, as numerous people noted, Putin's speech put Medvedev safely asleep, it was Bloomberg View that caught up on a bit of cunning esoterism and underhand wink-wink to Straussian fellows and conspirators placed at the very end of Putin's speech.

There Putin cited Mendeleyev:

"I will cite a quotation that seemed stunning even to me. These words were said by a man who was far removed from politics, Dmitry Mendeleyev, who expressed these thoughts more than a hundred years ago: “We will be immediately destroyed if we are divided. Our strength lies in our unity, our warriors, our benign domesticity that multiplies the numbers of our people; our strength lies in the natural growth of our intrinsic wealth and love of peace.” These are wonderful words that are pertinent to us today."

"unity ... warriors ... benign domesticity" ... "stunning even to me" ...

The interesting point, placed into the mouth by a clever, Straussian speech writer (one can almost feel the Surkovian gobblin at work here), comes from Mendeleyev's "Cherished Notes" (Zavetnyie Mysli, literally, Bequeathed Thoughts). Once you do look up the source and read the cited passage in its context and the rest of Mendeleyev's article, then Putin's (or his adviser's/advisers') missive becomes even more peculiarly interesting and rewarding. (

Among a number of things, one of the more "stunning" (to borrow Putin's own strange characterization of the citation) is that Mendeleyev spoke this words in the context of the then just launched Russia-Japanese War of 1905, which Russia badly lost and which, for Mendeleyev himself, was supposed to be a manifestation and re-enactment of Russian political and military "realism." The defeat in 1905 then also led to the Revolution of 1905 and its Bloody Sunday and the fatal beginning in the loss of the czar's popular legitimacy.

Interestingly, and certainly just by coincidence, shortly after listening to the same speech, Igor Strelkov also concluded that the current moment resembles most precisely the times around the Russia-Japanese war:

"-Не исключаю, что так и будет. Но есть и другие варианты.

Русско-Японскую войну, казалось, Россия ну не могла проиграть: Российская Императорская Армия была намного больше и мощнее японской, флот - примерно равный, экономика - сильнее, население - вдвое больше,  финансы - тоже, ресурсы - вообще не сравнимы. "Японских макак" собирались "закидывать шапками". В результате получили позорнейшие поражения на суше и на море, жестокий финансовый кризис и революцию.

И все потому, что внешняя политика была авантюристична, внутренняя - закостенела, чиновный аппарат и военное командование - бездарно и недееспособно, а за спиной Японии стояли США и Великобритания. Ничего не напоминает?"

One has the impression that Putin himself is being played here somewhat or very subtly sabotaged, as is apparently the case with the statue of Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg at his self-named center:

Here you can enjoy the view of the statue of Boris Yeltsin at his center recently inaugurated by Putin himself with most of the stars of Russia's official 5th column.
Boris Rozhin himself calls the center "uroda"--an ugly bastard.
One does not need to spell out how Boris or his statue look from this side, right?
So what's the message? "Poshol na Xuy." This is evidently Yeltsin's own post mortem message to Russia and the Russians--partially obscene, partially vulgar and innocent of respect.
However, I do believe that alcoholism and male potency don't have a firm relationship.

The whetted, pissed pants frontal view (with a touch of North Korean monumental style):

Oligarchs' chosen message as it was run during the official opening of the Yeltsin center massively attended by the leaders together with many stars of Russia's official 5th column: "We are against revolutions! We got fed up with them in the 20th century!"

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