Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Aleksey Mozgovoy's Poem No. 59

Mozgovoy used this poem of his consisting of two strophes as a preface to his poems and his motto as well as a self-styled, admittedly ironic, but also truthful, candid self-introduction. It is the last piece from his published poems that I know of and that remained on my list for being translated.

I cannot be like like the many, it’s a pain
When somehow one can’t be like anyone else.
Yet I do what I am supposed to
And sometimes even with success!

Still with the crowd I am out of step
And out of sync and I don’t click.
—Hey, you! Buddy! Wait and tell me:
Who are you? I may be just like you!

Не могу быть как все, во,
Что-то, где-то не так как у всех....
И ведь делаю всё так как надо,
И случается в чем-то успех.

Не прижился к толпе, не притёрся,
И не смог приспособить себя.
- Эй, прохожий! Постой, познакомься.
Может быть я похож на тебя.

PS: Coincidentally, the several months long process of translating Mozgovoy's poems into English coincided not only with a series of new physical eliminations of Donbass, pro-Novorossiya commanders. Just a while ago news has come that Evgeny Sergey Vagner, a commander of the Russian "private military company" (Vagner") held responsible by many for assassinating the famous Donbass commanders on orders from above, was killed today.

A FB post made an hour ago:
Евгений Сергеев
Вагнер убит.
Божье наказание....
Так тебе, падаль, и надо. Убили тебя ровно день в день, через год, после Саныча и наших ребят.
Гори в аду, дешевка.

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