following the example of the Kiev fascist regime (and namely
anti-Russian Avakov), Putin created his Nazguard/Rosguard (Pinkguard)
and today he declared a campaign for creating a new "rossiskaya nacija"
("ros-tits" nation) as opposed to the Russian people (russkiy narod). So
first Nazguard and then a new "nation" and its "unity" with its ruling
oligarchs and kleptocrats. Thus the next year Putin declared to be the
year of "the unity of this (new) ros-tits nation. It is like when a
self-avowed post-Soviet liberal tries to imitate not only a 19th century
nationalism, but also North Korea at the same time.
Путин поручил разработать и принять закон о российской нации. Российской, Карл. Именно так.
Не стану вдаваться в теоретические рассуждения о происхождении нации. В
нашем сугубо конкретном российском случае российская нация в принципе
возможна - как принудительно сконструированная проектная конструкция,
однако для формулирования такого проекта требуется не закон, а
идеология. И время. У Путина нет ни того, ни другого. Он действует в
привычном поле - достаточно принять указ о проблеме, и она станет частью
Судя по всему, если за год наш президент не переобуется
еще пару раз, в 17 году нас может ожидать феерический "Русский марш" с
перекрасившимися в государственных националистов членов партии Единая
Россия и примкнувшими к ним православно-националистическими
коммунистами, эсерами и либеральными демократами. С хоругвями,
балалайками, медведями и водкой. Хотя еще время есть - кто знает, может,
к 4 ноября этого года и успеют.
Правда, к идеологии это имеет крайне отдаленное отношение.
Кроме того, нация - атрибут индустриального общества. Россия, уверенной
поступью идущая в средневековье, строит сословно-феодальное общество, в
котором национальному нет места. Тем более, искусственно
Putin, the proud and the falsely great, in Valdai: "I was the only one who supported Poroshenko" and his ideas for Donbass--like sending their "OSCE armed police force," a slightly disguised NATO proxy.
– Порошенко выступил с инициативой по поводу миссии ОБСЕ в Донбассе. Я – единственный, кто его поддержал, хотя и не называю эту миссию вооружённой, — отметил он.
Напомним, на переговорах "нормандской четвёрки" в Берлине Владимир Путин поддержал введение полицейской миссии в Донбассе и призвал использовать нынешнее председательство Германии в ОБСЕ "для того, чтобы активизировать проработку этого вопроса".
Отметим, ранее и глава МИД Сергей Лавров заявлял, что Россия готова пойти на компромисс и согласиться на то, чтобы решением ОБСЕ группа наблюдателей получила право ношения личного оружия на линии разграничения в Донбассе ..."
Об этом он заявил во время приема, устроенного для членов клуба после Валдайского форума, передает Эспрессо.TV со ссылкой на "Коммерсант".
"Что касается Петра Порошенко, я был первым, кто его поддержал. И я буду поддерживать его дальше", - заявил Путин.
"Это прозвучало неожиданно и на первый взгляд совсем странно", - отмечает издание.
В субботу, 24 октября,
президент России Владимир Путин в очередной раз с трибуны заявил, о
своей поддержке президента Украины Петра Порошенко. Так же он вновь
убеждал общественность в том¸ что не откажется от выполнения минских
На закрытом Валдайском форуме он сказал: "Мы будем поддерживать
минские соглашения до самого конца. То есть пока они все не будут полностью
выполнены, а что касается Петра Порошенко, я был первым, кто его поддержал. И я
буду поддерживать его дальше".
Как сообщал "Диалог.UA" ранее, президент Российской Федерации Владимир Путин на закрытом приеме для гостей Валдайского форума заявил, что считает себя голубем с железными крыльями.
Российский лидер во время Валдайского форума ответил на вопрос гостей о том, кем он себя считает - "голубем" или "ястребом".
"Я голубь, но у меня очень мощные железные крылья", - ответил Путин.
Напомним, за прошедший год политика президента РФ Владимира Путина в отношении Донецкой и Луганской областей поменялась до неузнаваемости.
пропаганда поменяла свои ориентиры и теперь все чаще слышны сообщения о
том, что так называемые власти ДНР и ЛНР уже не раз провозглашали себя
независимыми республика и входить в состав России, как это произошло в
Крыму, не хотят. И это, как подчеркивает СМИ, не позиция Путина или
России, а позиция людей, проживающих на этой территории.
is a huge cost that Putin and Russia paid and pays for listening to the
Putin-worshipping (anti-)Atlanticists and both the US and Kremlin's
dis-informers who served and serve Russia's re-proletarization
(pauperization) and colonization, while extolling Putin's faux genius
and personality cult. The Atlanticis and the Putinists, both the US
(whether Washington's or "anti-globalists, anti-NWO") and the Russian
ones, have to share the blame. They served and continue to serve the
neo-conservative agenda. With Putin or Putin's image (both an icon and
cartoon), "Russia walked straight into Washington's trap" (PCR).
Conflicts and wars were never meant to be won by the dumber and the more
corrupt side.
Paul Craig Roberts writes: "This is the huge cost that Putin paid for
listening to the unrealistic, American-worshipping Atlanticist
Integrationists who are determined that Russia be accepted by the West
even if it means being a semi-vassal. If there is nuclear war, the
Russian Atlanticist Integrationists will share the blame with the
American neoconservatives. And all of us will pay the price for the
disaster produced by these few, the neoconservatives demanding war and
the Atlanticist Integrationists demanding appeasement of Washington."
Michael Green noted: "It should be noted that in a recent article (The US: A Dead Nation
Walking), PCR made a compelling case that Putin didn't just "listen" to
the "American-worshipping Atlanticist Integrationists", but that he is
Paul Craig Roberts also adds this "... pressured by the Atlanticist Integrationist
element in the Russian elite, the Russian government withdrew,
announcing mission accomplished and relying on the Syrian Army to
complete the job. This strategic error [didn't I say it right way as it
happened? oh, yes, I did] allowed Washington not merely to replenish the
ISIS munitions that had been destroyed and to muster more mercenaries,
but more importantly to come up with a plan for Russia’s and Assad’s
By the time that the Russian government realized that
early withdrawal was a mistake and re-entered the conflict, Washington
had decided that if Damascus could not be «liberated», Syria could be
partitioned and pressure kept on Assad in that way. Yet the Russian
government continued to postpone victory by cease fire agreements that
Washington used to rearm ISIS and as propaganda weapons against Russia."
Nabiullina, Gref's and Putin's co-conspirator, head of "Russia's Central Bank": The policy and strategy in the crisis is the policy and strategy of crisis. It is--in plain language and even in her own words--to create "monetary hunger" in Russia, monetary poverty for the Russians. From monetary hunger and poverty there is not only a small step toward true poverty and hunger, but the step and effect is guaranteed and assured. To sum up: the strategy and policy of crisis is Russia's assured destruction by its own government through the policy of deliberately induced and imposed poverty and new "proletarization" of the country, which, to cite Marx, would leave the Russians only with the chains and with no country of their own any more.
Михаил Делягин:
Непонятные слова используются по очень простой причине. Если вы бредите, вы должны сделать так, чтобы вас никто не понимал. Госпожа Набиуллина говорит, что мы должны искусственно создать денежный голод. Ни у кого в стране денег не будет, и тогда будет низкая инфляция. То, что это приведёт к уничтожению страны и в уничтоженную страну, как в Сомали и Гаити, никаких инвестиций не будет даже при низкой инфляции, – это её не волнует. На это её фантазии не хватает – она либерал. Мы же это проходили в 90-е годы, когда экономика уничтожалась при помощи искусственного денежного голода. Тогда выяснилось, что при голоде цены всё равно растут. Потому что есть монополии, есть издержки, рост которых вызывает рост цен. И если в экономике нет денег, возникает кризис неплатежей. При этом экономика разрушается, и единственный способ её поддержать – это устроить девальвацию. При девальвации резко растут цены на всё импортное. Но в результате денежного голода собственное производство уже уничтожено. И поэтому снова приходится покупать импортное. Соответственно, вы получаете вместо снижения инфляции её взлёт. Вот этот бред, эта околесица, которая длится уже четверть века, прикрывает очень серьёзные, фундаментальные интересы. Разница между руководством американской ФРС и госпожой Набиуллиной не в том, что в ФРС сидят умные люди, а госпожа Набиуллина не очень умный человек. Разница другая: ФРС служит интересам Америки. А кому служит госпожа Набиуллина – большой вопрос.
One of the things which an awakened mind might need to meditate on and ponder about is this: The killing of the best and best known commanders of Novorossiya started off with the killing of Bednov ("Batman") openly by the crew of Plotnitsky, the Lugansk signatory of the Minsk deals. On the other hand, the Kiev regime gave its better known ATO commanders seats in the Parliament of the land. In addition, the Donbass veterans have no status and no official recognition in Russia and they (and their families) receive no social or other support, while Russian state banks continue financing ATO in Ukraine and help the ATO veterans with special financing and credits.
Why is this important and telling? Because, as in the Cold War, when all is said and done, the side which treats and honors its people better than the other side is more likely to win.
On Wednesday Putin consented to Poroshenko's and his allies (i.e. Germany and France) demand for the armed OSCE (NATO-proxy) force in Donbass and after he also issued a new demand on Damascus to change its constitution, as demanded by the US and al Qaeda proxies. Moreover, Merkel (Germany) has been entrusted and charged with developing the armed police OSCE force for the Russians in Donbass, , which is much like asking NATO to do it, and this too Putin praised very "positively."
On Thursday, on the very next day, the EU awarded Putin a cookie as a symbolic reward by not adding new sanctions on Russia over Russia's involvement in Syria (from the start coordinated with the US). In return, the EU introduced a new threatening language that says that for the EU now "ALL OPTIONS are not on the table." Well, in diplomatic language, "all options" traditionally don't mean just sanctions, but also use of force. Thus, while apparently backtracking on sanctions, the EU is now actually threatening Russia with war. It was this threat or fear that was initially also used to justify the introduction of Putin's so-called "clever" or "cunning plan" and the abandonment of Novorossiya to the fascists and the Minsk betrayals.
With the makeup of a faux genius and Botox of PR increasingly failing and falling off, the real Putin in Berlin came out more strongly than the formerly projected impersonator of a leader. Putin thus showed himself rather as a feeble, obsequious person, a local colonial, amoral administrator of rather fair intellectual and thinking abilities and vacuous character, ridden with anxiety and complexes and in much dependent on the strings-playing thumbs of his masters. What he already officially approved as a good idea back in April (the latest), he endorsed more fully again (though with a bit of initial denial disinformation)--namely deployment of "the armed OSCE police force," more plainly, a NATO proxy with OSCE logos, in Donbass. On the orders of his masters, he even again reiterated their demand, which he also had made (as if) his own before, namely that Syria's anti-imperialist and modestly socialist constitution overwhelmingly approved at a people's referendum in 2012 ought to changed in order please and placate the whims of Washington and takfiri al Qaeda and their proxies who have been waging a genocidal war on Syria since 2011.
If Putin started his presidency in 2000 telling Larry King of CNN with a self-content smile of a sociopath that the Kursk submarine just "sank."
Russia as a civilization and a country has been in the last 25 years or so (and 16 years under Putin) turned into an analogy of Kursk, of course, on a much bigger scale. In this regard, the economic policies, strategic use and appointments of the similar filtered sociopaths and shady characters in positions of power and management and also the Yeltsin Center have been some of the most effective torpedoes tearing through the once great ship called Russia and the USSR.
The course of Russia has been triangulated so that, if Putin began his presidency with the Kursk disaster and his "it sank" smiling bon mot, he might well end his journey with another "it sank" moment. For that is now already within the realm of the possible.
As recommended, this too is worth watching without sound. Putin's personality comes out nicely--in contrast with the Swiss leader side by side:
То, что звука нет, это спецон. Звук тут и не нужен - не важно о чём они говорят, важна мимика альфасамца, бегающие глазки и его дрожащие пальцы теребящие ручку, конверт и другие случайные предметы. Хотя, его просьба не проводить референдум в Новороссии ( за два дня до проведения) озвученная во время встречи, это как вишенка на торте.
В общем, это конечно ключевой момент для понимания "политики" РФ в Украинском вопросе.
Look (and I recommend to watch it without a sound so that you can concentrate on the faces, body languages, and expressions) what was supposed to be Putin's "victory speech" after today's Duma elections.
Observe him and also pay attention to the people there, including the top officials of the regime standing behind Putin. Well, this does not look like a sincere, honest celebration of a victory at all. At times, there is a shadow passing over both Putin and Medvedev that looks to me like fear and apprehension.
Moreover, if I were to forget the occasion, then the posture of Putin here would remind me more of a person who just handed in his resignation or who is delivering a concession speech of a candidate who actually lost.
Take up the load of crap and deuce,
Send forth the best you breed
To hedge funds and its fleecing fees
To have your captives serve your needs,
Wait in heavy harness as half-devil
And half-child if your wanting half
Is ever to reign supreme and complete.
Take up the load of crap and deuce!
Should you veil your threat of terror,
Then go and disguise your pride
By a rant of twofold speech—
One for the banks on savage wars
And the other for the folks just waiting
To be taken for a ride.
To them be good and even
Mildly true and dumb.
Take up the load of crap and deuce!
Take up the savage wars of peace!
And sell them few times over
For a prayer and a straight face lie!
Fill full their mouth with flux and deuce!
And bid that sickness to grow and abide.
And when your goal is nearest,
Then let others be your nulls and fools.
Take up the load of crap and deuce!
Freedom is for muffs when the mind
Is but a piece to be picked by sweepers
If your ego goes on to swell and plow
Into their crania, holes and cracks,
The common tale of toiling serfs
Whom power marks as dead
And mortgage—all in advance.
Take up the load of dung and stool
And reap and heap its ancient reward
—selling crime and wicked terror
As your virgin, pious, simple bride.
Take up the load of poop and dung
And turn the world into its final, closing night
And dare not stoop to less—if you pawn
To the devil your soiled, redundant soul,
Weariness, scruples and remorse.
Take up the load of crap and deuce!
If man is to be to man a swine,
Then let him stand on twos!
Наши ура-патриоты очень любят смеяться над
тупыми хохлами, которые любую зраду обязательно объявляют перемогой.
При этом подобные граждане совершенно не замечают бревно в своем глазу,
когда, начиная с Крыма, РФ терпит внешнеполитическое поражение за
поражением, но телевизор упорно убеждает, что это часть ХПП и очередная
перемога. Просто коротко напомню перечень великих побед гения внешней
политики за последние два года:
После Крыма по всему Юго-Востоку
Украины начинаются пророссийские выступления. Москва эти выступления
активно поддерживает: президент получает разрешение на ввод войск у
СовФеда, грозит в телевизоре пальчиком «пусть хунта только попробует
стрелять по мирным гражданам!!!», Янукович изображает из себя
легитимного президента, войска двигаются к границе, а на Донбасс входят
наши спецслужбы. Да-да, сегодня уже можно открыто признать, что наши
спецслужбы активно участвовали в событиях на Донбассе. Безлер, Хмурый,
Стрелков, Моторолла – отнюдь неслучайные добровольцы из РФ. В общем
подготовка к крымскому сценарию идет полным ходом.
Однако, после
знаменитого визита президента Швейцарии ситуация меняется кардинально:
хунта вдруг превращается в «украинских партнеров», Януковича отправляют в
загашник, Путин отзывает разрешение на ввод войск, закрывает глаза на
одесскую Хатынь, не замечает референдумы ЛДНР, да и в целом начинается
слив протестов на Юго-Востоке. Но наши ура-патриоты такой переобувки на
ходу даже не замечают! Какой там, они сразу же находят тысячи объяснений
очередному ХПП: недостаточная активность местных русских второго сорта,
возможная война с НАТО, «нам нужна вся Украина» и прочий бред. Попытки
напомнить подобным господам, что еще пару месяцев назад риторика была
совсем иной, вызывают острый приступ бешенства. Ну все как у свидомитов с
их майданом. Скакали против олигархов, а теперь президент – олигарх.
Все равно перемога.
На этом список перемог не заканчивается.
Дальше РФ не дает уничтожить восставший Донбасс военным путем и с
помощью отпускников наносит ВСУ военное поражение. Казалось бы сейчас
уж точно перемога – «до Киева дойдем!», «в каком котле служил? ха-ха!».
Но Кремль в очередной раз заставляет охранителей плясать ламбаду с
помощью Минск-1. Правда быстро оказывается, что минский сговор – это
тоже перемога! Украина-то зиму не переживет! У ополчения уже не было сил
взять пустой Мариуполь, и вообще это всё Сурков-Дудаев виноват.
зеркально повторяется под Дебальцево. Правда у ура-патриотов планы уже
поскромнее: «щас к границам областей выйдем!». Владимир Владимирович на
этот раз лично осаживает подобных граждан Минском-2. Вот черт, даже на
бояр уже не спишешь. Но ничего, настоящий охранитель и здесь разглядит
перемогу, ведь на Донбассе наконец-то установится мир, и перестанут
убивать. С этого момента общественное мнение начинают плотно готовить к
сливу ЛДНР обратно в Украину.
Вот так вот за 2 года РФ из
супервыигрышной позиции загнала себя в ситуацию, когда не может свести
партию даже вничью. Что собственно совершенно не мешало дебилам орать о
перемогах и в очередном проебе отыскивать хитрый план.
А ведь был
еще Боинг, когда сначала наше министерство обороны рассказывало про
украинский Су-25, после чего Алмаз-антей на голубом глазу заговорил о
Буках. Были фейковые снимки имени знатока геометрии Леонтьева по
центральным каналам. Были прекрасные процессы «обригаживания» Мозгового,
Дремова, Беднова, Ищенко с помощью неуловимых украинских ДРГ. Был цирк с
заменой неугодного руководства ЛДНР на Захарченко и Плотницкого (до сих
пор кто-нить знает, что это за хер?). Была Сирия, куда мы сначала зашли
победить ИГИЛ на дальних подступах, потом типа вывели войска, потому
что всех победили, а теперь продолжаем воевать выведенными войсками с
побежденным ИГИЛ.
И, наконец, вишенкой на торте добавилась
ситуация с Савченко. Сначала следует бредовая история с ее попадаем на
территорию РФ (не могли ничего умнее придумать). Потом персональный
мегапиар летчицы с помощью судебного процесса, на который она откровенно
кладет болт. Затем суровый приговор и... амнистия, о которой попросили
родственники погибших (!!! Слов нет !!!), ради обмена на наших
ГРУшников. В итоге следует победоносное возвращение Савченко вна Украину
на президентском самолете, где ее встречают, как национального героя.
При этом РФ с первого дня открестилась от своих бойцов, никаких
президентских самолетов за ними не посылает и в аэропорту их кроме жен
никто не встречает. Ведь они вовсе не ГРУшники вроде как, но РФ Савченко
обменяла почему-то именно на них, а не на сотни других пленных
добровольцев из РФ. То есть ГРУшниками мы их не признаем, но меняем, как
ГРУшников. Шизофрения? Нет! Перемога! Ведь наши парни вернулись
домой!!! И вообще двоих на одну поменяли!!! два больше одного!!! –
убеждают нас охранители.
Когда смотришь на весь этот цирк в
ретроспективе, то просто диву даешься насколько у людей короткая память.
Такое впечатление, что очередной выпуск новостей стирает все
предыдущие. Охранители готовы любой исход событий объявить перемогой,
даже если он еще вчера казался зрадой. Да они даже не в состоянии
отзеркалить ситуацию, подставив в своих рассуждениях вместо России
Украину или наоборот. То есть, налицо не только отсутствие памяти, но и
двойные стандарты в лучших традициях перестроечных либералов. Оценка
события зависит исключительно от того, кто его совершает. Если наши –
значит однозначно перемога. Если тоже самое происходит не у нас – зрада.
И эти люди еще позволяют себе смеяться над хохлами... Дебилы, блять (с) Министр иностранных дел великой энергетической.
Update: In Minsk 1 and 2 Putin agreed and pledged to return Donbass to Ukraine's anti-Russian, Banderist government. But everything now indicates that Kiev will agree to taking over Donbass and to its Nazification like the rest of Ukraine only if Russia also pays large reparations or "compensations." And these appear to have been already paid on the ongoing basis at least partially--as I reported in one of my recent FB posts, Russian state banks gave Ukraine in the last two years additional $6 billion--formally as loans, but loans on which they have already lost hundred of millions of dollars--officially--and thus having written much of it as losses. Otherwise, the logic of Minsk 1 and 2 guaranteed by Putin personally consists in its nutshell in this: the fascists or their regime in Kiev will formally declare that Donbass (a part of it) is somewhat "special," upon which Putin will eventually hand over Donbass and the Russians who resisted the Banderites over into the hands of the fascists. If this looks like cunning or logic, it is only because this is quisling cunning and logic.
Japan and Putin's government have been working hard on how to surrender Kuril Islands to Japan and how to sell the deal in the best possible way to the Russians many of whom still trust in Putin's patriotism and his geopolitical genius. Sources with the Japanese government, as dutifully reported by RT, have just unveiled the formula that has been conceived and pursued since last May in preparation of the public for Putin's forthcoming visit to Japan on December 15, and it accords with some of the very statements made by Putin himself on the subject.
1) The ingenious idea, which does not overtax the perceived genius of the people subjected to it, would declare (as Putin himself already said in much the same way) that the surrender of Kuril Islands would be as a "tie" in sports when no one loses and no one wins, except for Japan getting hold of Kuril Islands. In this way, Putin would successfully fight the Soviet Union's victory in World War II and Japan's defeat to a new "tie" 70 years later on behalf of the new Russia of Chubais, Surkov, Gref, Rotenberg and Putin.
2) After repackaging the surrender as a "tie," Japan and Putin's government would then explain that the "tie" will be a "common, joint management" of Kuril Islands or some of its parts. Presumably, joining Japanese management with Putinist gross mismanagement and Japan's industrial, technological and financial might with Putin's prosperity where you can "buy" Ph.D. teachers at a price of a common poor retiree or for about $100 a month.
3) This character of such a deal and the fact of Putin's government even negotiating with Japan on these terms and in this way tells a student of the history of diplomacy, international relations and war one thing as well: the format smacks of the old colonial times "agreements" to "leases," preferences and expansions in which one side is a colony and the other a colonizer, which was and is also tantamount to a relationship between the vanquished and the conqueror.
4) In this regard, I do know that a new shift is being observed in Russia. The awareness of the crisis, betrayals, systemic degradation, and plunge toward an abyss has begun catching up with the Russians and breaking through the previous layers of denials and propaganda. Facing the truth is harder than making and believing in pictures of Putin riding or flying various animals on land or in the air as a superhero or even as the world's savior with a clever plan full of amazing tricks announced every day on various websites.
5) If "common management" of Kuril Islands is in the cards and in the future of (collapsing) Russia, then there might be no insurmountable or necessary barriers to extending this Putin's (let's pretend that it is his) ingenuous plan and idea of "common management" with US proxies and allies eventually to the rest and whole of Russia itself. In fact, if most Russians now have to try to live on $100 or less a month, any other "management", unless it is adamantly fascist and even more anti-Russian, might be able to afford to pay the Russians more and better than that.
PS: Also reported: Japan hopes to win Kuril Islands due to 1) the Japanese leader's "warm rapport with Putin", 2)
the deep crisis of Russia and 3) the supposed jointly shared concern over China
and more maps of Kuril Islands in English have already switched their
designation from Russia to "disputed" and from "disputed" to "occupied." Few more year and the designation "occupied," already also applied in the West to Crimea, might start being applying to other parts of Russia as well. The defeat of the USSR in the Cold War is assuming a character of a long historical implosion the destructive waves of which are producing now their deeper cumulative impact.
Источники: Япония предложит России совместно управлять южными Курилами
Короткая ссылка
17 октября 2016, 03:32
Японское правительство может предложить России совместно управлять южными островами Курильской гряды в качестве шага к окончательному разрешению территориального вопроса в отношениях двух стран.
Подобное предложение является частью «нового подхода» премьер-министра Синдхо Абэ, который японский политик предложил в мае Владимиру Путину, сообщает газета Nikkei со ссылкой на источники в правительстве страны.
Токио рассматривает подобное предложение как компромисс, который удовлетворит желание России разрешить вопрос южных Курил на основе «ничьи», сообщает газета со ссылкой на источники, близкие к Абэ.
По данным издания, что существует несколько вариантов совместного управления островами. Один из них — передача Японии островов Шикотан и Хабомаи и создание системы совместного управления на островах Кунашир и Итуруп. Возможно также установление кондоминиума в отношении Шикотана, Хабомаи и Кунашире при оставлении Итурупа полностью под российским контролем. Ещё один вариант — установление режима совместного управления России и Японии над всеми южными Курилами.
Установление режима совместного управления, которое будет сопровождаться режимом свободных поездок и свободной экономической деятельности на островах, призвано ускорить переговоры об окончательном заключении мирного договора между Москвой и Токио.
Отмечается, что японская сторона намерена проработать свои инициативы в ходе подготовки и осуществления намеченного 15 декабря визита в Японию президента России Владимира Путина.
Poetry in action, when on June 16 (6 days to the anniversary of the Nazi
operation Barbarossa), Putin sent his then chief of staff Sergey Ivanov
(whom Pamela Anderson made babble and bubble about tigers and turn all
pink) to inaugurate the plaque to the fascist plague attacking the
country and the people with great help of Marshall Mannerheim (Dugin: a
great chance to reconcile Russia; with fascism? to fascism? genocide?),
Ivanov (as seen here) spoke right next to a gutter, which
also separated him from the rest of the Putinist quislings honoring the
fascist commander in chief and enemy-invader.
The symbolism of this act
(as opposed to how the Kremlin wanted it to be scripted and branded
unto the skins of the Russians' brains) thus reasserted its own will and
mind. Also note that, in preparation for this dishonor to the whole
country and their grandparents, the heroes of the Great Patriotic War
and its victims, they had the strip of the building specially spruced up
for this occasion--fixing up and painting only the strip around the
plaque. Just as with Russia as a whole, after all the theft and
corruption, there is only enough money for anti-Russian, anti-national
PR (and what the oligarchs need for their own upkeep and pleasure), but
hardly nothing to make up for the 10x reduction of Russia's portion of
the world's GDP from 30 years ago to what it is now.
So thanks to
Mannerheim, the building of this Russian military academy was repainted
only in a band of some two meters wide. Forget the rest. Also note that
the quislings made Russian officers and soldiers march by or in front of
Mannerheim, thus giving him honor and, by the same token, utterly
disgracing themselves.
CNN has been terrorists most trusted name in news,
since the beginning of foreign-imposed war against the Syrian Arab
Republic. From the very beginning of the crisis, CNN has wielded its
criminal propaganda as “also weapons of mass destruction.” Since 1
August 2016, CNN has abandoned all pretense of neutrality in reporting, and demonstrated itself to be the highly paid journalistic mouthpiece of the US State Department, more properly named the US Department of Perpetual War.
On 1 August, its celebrity-faced reporter, Clarissa Ward, gave CNN’s affluent international audience to Australian terrorist, Mostafa Mahamed, to proclaim to the world that his gang of mass murderers, Jabhat al Nusra (JaN) had undergone a mutually friendly divorce from al Qaeda, renaming itself Jabhat Fatah al Sham (JaF). Aussie Mahamed is on the “global terrorist” list, and is also a member of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs). Basically, he is on the US “kill list,” though it seems the US prefers to use its war criminal bombings of Syria by slaughtering Syrian soldiers fighting terrorists within their own borders, bombing Syrian civilians, and obliterating bridges in Syria, than getting rid of someone on its own hit list. Aussie takfiri Mostafa Mahamed, freudianly posed, in SyriaWard, anchor of al Qaeda and death, was almost immediately rewarded, being given a UN audience, by rabid war ‘diplomat,’ Ambassador Samantha Power,
at yet another anti-Syria war feast. Ward was invited heave her
criminal propaganda, describing her experiences as an illegal in the
SAR, embedded with terrorists from around the world, in both Idlib and
terrorist-occupied eastern Aleppo. Also at the rancid banquet, were two members of the grassroots NGO, “Syrian American Medical Society,” and a member of the contras in Syria, the “White Helmets,” another “grassroots NGO” founded by a British intelligence officer, and headquartered in Turkey.
made this particular Roman Empire-esque orgy a bit different from
previous ones — besides the lack of a vomitorium, and the miraculous
telephone connection with the White Helmets’ operative — was a curious
insertion into Power’s opening statement. She was complaining that the
Syrian Arab Army was precariously close to ridding eastern Aleppo, Syria, from terrorist occupation, and noted that a “counter offensive” had been launched by “opposition groups — joined by members of the terrorist group Jabhat al Nusra…”.
Power enhancing on CNN’s cleansing of al Qaeda, against Syria? Under
which section of the standards of International Law, may a diplomat
consider it normal for terrorists to take up arms against the legitimate
military of a sovereign nation? Does it become orwellian or kafkaesque
for a diplomat not only to lament that a sovereign country was
defending itself, within its borders, but to also acknowledge that a
gang of savages so barbaric that they are actually on the US terror
list, is helping the killers the west calls “opposition,” with such
normalcy? Neither SAMS nor Power has released the fraudumentary shown at a secret meeting at the UN, April 2015 Humanitarian White Helmets stand on Syrian corpses while making the “victory” signWard
is a self-admitted liar, once telling another reporter that her first
entry into Syria was through legal channels, after she lied that she was
entering the country as a tourist. She has received various awards in ‘journalism’ for having embedded herself with terrorists, and interviewing foreign takfiri on why they ‘went to Syria to become fighters.’ She has received awards for interviewing foreign terrorists that Anderson Cooper said did not exist. Ward of Death, interviewing an American terrorist, in Syria, when she was still working for CBS.On
6 September, Ward of Death pimped out NYC born and reared mercenary,
Bilal Kareem, via a congratulatory tweet to him for his “extraordinary
brave reporting” in the midst of those pesky, chlorinated, flying IEDs,
which made him cough — once. Kareem is also an illegal terrorist in
Syria, also dividing his time between terrorist controlled Idlib, and
terrorist occupied eastern Aleppo, making it likely that the paths of
these illegal aliens and supporters of mass murderers have crossed.
Details of Kareem’s 5th columnist activities found here.
a rule, this writer refrains from separating the various terrorist
gangs from each other. Doing so, tends to exonerate the demonic crimes
of one gang, while comparing them to others, and fits too neatly into
the colonialist plans for Syria. Though many of the ‘original’ FSA were
domestic criminals, not incarcerated because of some terrible
corruption in some law enforcement, their numbers were bolstered by more
than 100 countries dumping their human garbage into
Syria (over 360,000 foreign terrorists have invaded the SAR, since
2011),causing some bits of fratricide (Aussie terrorist Mahamad was
originally deployed to Syria to “unify” the greedy savages),and multiple
schisms into sometimes competing gangs of malignant sociopaths.
Does it really make a difference that the cannibal who ravaged the internal organs of the murdered Syrian soldier, was FSA, or that the takfiri who baked Syrians in industrial ovens in Adra, were JaN, or that the destruction of the al Kindi University Cancer Hospital was a collaborative effort? With “moderates” like these, who needs “ISIS”?
For the purpose of this report, though, an exception to the non-segregation of savages principle is essential.
mostly foreign invaders of JaN had the audacity to name their tribe
“the support front for people of Syria.” The new, improved, JaN has
given itself an even ruder name, one with a bit more audacity: “the
front for the conquest of Syria.” Such impunity offers some damning
evidence that the al Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra was made aware that both
CNN’s Clarissa Ward, and the US ambassador to the UN would be quite
amenable to the name change, despite the Pentagon official throwing a
bit of a fit over it.
She is sexualizing
al Qaeda and takfiri. A model put side by side with war and terrorists,
instead of a sports car. A sexy face of al Qaeda provided and groomed
by the bosses.
The geopolitical importance of the amicable faux — et bon — divorce,
and subtle name change will be explained, but first we must first
return to one of the most heinous atrocities committed in Syria, among
the infinite number of heinous atrocities in this, the most foul
international conspiracy against one country, in the history of
humanity, an atrocity so hideous that even the Vichy urinalists of the western msm could not ignore it — though they did “tweak” it, somewhat.
On 20 July, the Obama-supported “rebels” uploaded a proud video of themselves beheading 12 year old Syrian-Palestinian Abdullah Issa, in the eastern part of Aleppo, that part of the Syrian city about which Ward of Death,
and rabid war dogs Power et al. are so concerned. Calling this satanic
gang “Obama supported ‘rebels”’ is no hyperbole; despite the draconian,
illegal economic sanctions the US (and EU) have imposed on Syria, the
US has been sending this gang TOWs, since 2014. The tube launched optically tracked wire guided anti-tank
missiles were first used against the Vietnamese, in 1972. These gifts
of TOWs, of course, are used to destroy the Syrian Arab Army armored
tanks attempting to rid its country of monsters who butcher children.
name of these “moderate oppositionists” who moderately cut off the head
of a young boy whose last request was to be shot to death, not
beheaded, is Harakat Nour al Din al Zinki (“al Zinki”). This “Syrian rebel opposition” gang named itself after a member of the Turkish Zengid
Dynasty, who invaded and occupied a part of Syria for a short period
during the Middle Ages. What legitimate “Syrian” “freedom fighter”
would not name his “movement” after an historical invader of his
country, and would not accept lethal weapons from another foreign state? 12 year old Abdullah Issa moments before al Zinki freedom fighters cut off his headUS funded al Zinki assassins of Abdullah IssaTawfir
Shahabuddin, ‘spiritual leader’ of al Zinki child beheaders. Despite
draconian sanctions and destruction of Syrian infrastructure, the
terrorists tend to be overweight.Though young Abdullah Issa’s gruesome beheading by al Zinki did receive some msm
media coverage, there was no international outpouring of grief over his
grizzly murder. There was no CNN reporter to ‘almost break down in
tears,’ as there was for Omran, the GrayBoy in Orange seat. GrayBoy’s story went viral, both in msm and in social media. His story was both repairer of erectile dysfunction and natural lubricant for emotional war porn junkies.
While Abdullah merely had his head cut off — after his last request of being shot, instead, was refused — Omran was, well, dusty. Omran’s photo was declared iconic, and msm courted Mahmoud Rslan, the liaison to the White Helmets and taker of the photo iconic, for interviews.
was no similar, subsequent frenzy when it was discovered that Rslan is
(minimally) a supporter of al Zinki, and specifically of those involved
in Abdullah’s head being severed from his 12 year old body. Instead, msm became deaf, dumb, and blind to this news.
Rslan ‘selfie’ with human beasts who cut off 12 year old Abdullah Issa’s head.
Though msm
maintained mutism status, social media activists screamed this news so
loudly that terrorist/supporter Rslan was forced to deactivate his FaceBook account. Poor Rslan was barely visible in the late September al Khanzeera anti-Syria, unhospital propaganda production — in terrorist occupied east Aleppo.
In late September, Ward of Death’s global terrorist, Mostafa Mahamed — Australian leader of JaN against Syria cum Australian leader
of JaF against Syria — tweeted his pleasure that the al Zinki gang that
butchers children, receives TOWs from the US, and uses the name of a
foreign occupier of Syria has joined the no-longer-al-Qaeda JaF, military operations.
of Death’s hero, New York City mercenary Kareem, also seems buoyed by
this union of child beheaders with other takfiri gangs, as he recently
tweeted his interview with an al Zinki leader (another overweight
terrorist, in “starving” eastern Aleppo).
Kareem follows Abdullah Muhaysini on Twitter, and has interviewed him on “On the Ground News.”
Here, it is important to mention that the sadistic humor apparatus of the 5th column is implicit in this Wahhabist-merc news ‘source,” On the Ground News TV (OGN). A Google search of OGN yields no results to Kareem’s “news” channel, but to the South Korean cable station “that specializes in broadcasting video game related content and esports matches; OGN was originally named ongamenet.
of Death appears to not have interviewed Muhaysini, but surely that is
only a matter of time, as he fits her criteria of concern for Syria: He
is not Syrian. He is a terrorist, in Syria, against Syria.
also is heartened by the news of child beheading al Zinki joining the
un-al Qaeda JaF. He also calls for the return of takfiri to Daraya, which was liberated by the Syrian Arab Army via an agreement with the government, in early September.
a Saudi terrorist illegally in Syria, outrageously calls himself an
“immigrant to Sham,” and claims he “don’t belong to any faction,” while
tweeting his sectarian hatred of Alawites, Shia, and Shiites. Syrians call on you, Demon, to return to your kingdom and enjoy your camels.
Muhaysini revels in Syrian corpses, and arms children and trains them to become suicide bombers. One might worry that the abuse of these boys may be sexual, too, as there are no camels in Syria.Ward of Death — by the way — has blocked this writer from her twit-ter account.
Moderate mortar, in immoderate Syrian blood. Courtesy of the friends of Ward of Death.Suggested viewing:
2011 CNN interview with Syrian Ambassador Bashar al Ja’afari. When Dr.
Ja’afari emphatically stated that foreign terrorists had invaded his
country and were slaughtering his people, the $10 million a year Cooper
said “you know that’s not true!” Note, also, that war whore Cooper —
who has never apologized — simultaneously claimed that Syria refused
entry of CNN reporters and he personally witnessed ‘tortured’
and ‘mutilated’ bodies of Syrians, in Syrian morgues (Careful, as he
gets a bit freudian in his descriptions).
Ambassador al Ja’afari presents an insider’s look into the UN, 10 September, to the Schiller Institute. Transcript, here.
Three videos which strongly suggest collusion between CNN and al Khanzeera, in the March 2012 bombings of the Homs oil refinery: