Sunday, September 4, 2016

Russian versus Rossiskiy and Rossiyanin

The Vlasov oligarchic regime in Russia is busy rewriting history and famous statements of Russia's famous heroes, here Suvorov after whom a military academy was named in Tuzla. Instead of the original: "I am proud to be Russian," Suvorov's statement was changed on the academy's main facade to read "I am proud to be Rossiyanin" so that it sounds as if Suvorov anticipated the current name of the Rossiskoy Federation which changed its adjective is that it does not sound that much Russian, but more like Russi-ish.
Interestingly, changing Russian into Rossiskiy or Rossiyanin (imagine "American" being officially changed into Americanese in order to make more "politically correct" and more palatable to all and any anti-Americans) sounds like "Russian-needed" for "iskat" in Russian, which the suffix in Rossiskiy sounds like, means "to search, to look for." Rossiyanin in turn sounds much like one "who is falling apart" or who is "dissolving"--рассеять is to scatter, to dispel, to disperse.

"Russian" is not to the taste of those who rule Russia today.

Тульское Суворовское училище "отолерантило" Суворова
Процесс оброссиивания русских, против без малого век назад протестовал ещё П.Б. Струве, "радует" всё новыми маразмами.
На торжественном открытии Тульского Суворовского училища здание оного "украшала" "исправленная" в угоду политкорректности "цитата" великого полководца. Слово "русский" показалось организаторам столь нетолерантным, что его заменили на пресловутое "россиянин".

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