Sunday, August 14, 2016

Inside scoop: Having no (positive) economic strategy of development is part of Putin's and the Kremlin's supposed effectiveness and stability, and the Kremlin wants both to keep Mannerheim in Petersburg and stay clear of being eaten by Mannerheim's scandalous shadow

An "inside" analysis of the replacement of Sergey Ivanov with Anton Vaino as the Head of Putin's Administration: The Kremlin does not have any economic strategy to speak of, and this change may allow the Kremlin perhaps to start speaking about a bit in the future, thus increasing its "effectiveness," while preserving its stability: By "the Insider":
"Putin's new appointees will enhance the stability of his administration, since they are personally loyal to the president, and they resemble the people who will go with him to the end. In addition, this may slightly improve the efficiency of the administration, as, for example, Sergei Ivanov, even though he was "a good friend," was not the best manager. As for the general course, I do not think it will change. Although later there can be [we can talk of] some strategic changes, primarily in trying to develop and implement some kind of economic strategy, because now there is no strategy - the Russian economy is sailing [tanking] at the will of the waves and circumstances."
"Новые путинские ставленники будут повышать аппаратную стабильность, так как они лично преданы президенту и они похожи на людей, которые будут идти с ним до конца. Кроме того, это может несколько повысить эффективность аппарата, так как, скажем, Сергей Иванов, хоть и был «хорошим товарищем», был не лучшим управленцем. Что же касается общего курса – то я не думаю, что он изменится. Хотя чуть позже речь может пойти о некоторых стратегических изменениях, в первую очередь о попытке выработать и реализовать какую-то экономическую стратегию, потому что сейчас никакой стратегии нет – российская экономика плывет по воле волн и обстоятельств."
Otherwise, nearly all PR and "analytical" Russian sources treat the consecration of the memorial plague to fascist Marshal Mannerheim in Leningrad/Petersburg by S. Ivanov as either totally non-existent, as if the Kremlin did not even mean or does no longer even remember that highly symbolic act. And, "of course," so totally unrelated.

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