Friday, December 6, 2019

Putin and his gang have been busy

Putin and his gang have been busy moving their money abroad to the West and building palaces for themselves and their concubines. And if you want to have a good comparison of how the Putin regime "developed" Russia--every true development means in its eye another million, another concubine and another villa missing in their lives--just see the map of the highways in Europe versus Russia. 

Putin and his people realized that the quantity and costs of their concubines are inversely proportionate to the level of Russian development and the length of possible highways. Moreover, their private jets and yachts don't need highways across Russia.

If the map were to show high-speed trains, the picture would be much worse. There are no high speed trains in Russia. And the number of civilian airports in Russia is now ridiculously low (around just 200) for a 11 time zone country. In fact, under the USSR, the number of these airports was several times higher than now under Putin. Airports in many regions were simply closed.
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