Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Eight years-old reflection on what the crurrent "ukrainization" of Nazism means

On this day
8 years ago
May 4, 2014 
Shared with Public
The Right Sector can be fanatical, but they are not completely stupid. They know that they depend on the West for cover, help, etc. and on the oligarchs for money. And the oligarchs know that, without the Right Sector, they would have harder time to find more devote fascists and killers. The Right Sector would like to have its own unshared dictatorship together with the nukes. That goes without saying. And right after the coup, some of the putschists were demanding just that.
This means that the junta and its handlers might be considering two options: 1) even more brutal tyranny and dictatorship than what they are doing now (into this fits the organized Odessa massacre) or 2) trying to revive the corpse of the oligarch politicians from the Party of Regions, perhaps even including Yanukovich and, while sacrificing some of their most odious comrades in arms, they might try to cut some deal or compromise ... along the lines "Let's kiss and make up ... so that we can stab you in the back later."
The Right Sector fascists (and they are not the only fascists in Ukraine--the Farherland party is ideologically very close to them; let's not forget that it was Yuschenko who declared Bandera and SS officer Sushevich Ukraine's "national heroes") is past the beer putsch stage. Ukraine is much closer to a moment analogous to 1933 in Germany.
Fortunately, they have no charismatic Hitler among them and Ukraine today is more like Bulgaria or Romania back then (culturally) than Germany was. Germany had fascism established in the 1st world country. Ukraine is today much closer to a third world status. However, what makes things worse is the fact much of this fascism is coming more or less from behind the scenes from the "sole superpower" or hegemon--the US which commands the only functioning and only global military alliance with the EU ducks trailing behind it on the rope.


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