Friday, February 17, 2017

How the Kremlin executed a counter-revolution coup against the rising people's revolution in Donbass and then signed on the Minsk Agreements put together by NATO via Germany and France

Boris Borisov wrote what is an accurate and politically insightful analysis:

If you think that the Donetsk People's Republic is a [revolutionary state and society], that's not true at all. In the DPR and LPR the victorious counter-revolution is in power; the bourgeois contras rule. Roughly speaking, it is "Kolchak" redux.
The counter-revolution in the DPR won in three stages:
1) During the election of May 14, 2014, a protege of oligarchy and anti-communist Boroday became the head of the government.
2) The first subversion of the People's Constitution took place together with taking some powers from the People's Supreme Soviet to the bourgeois Presidium or government in August of 2014 [just as Strelkov, Bolotov and others were forced by Moscow to leave Donbass on the eve of the Minsk deal with the fascists].
3) The second and final subversion of the People's Constitution led to the complete dispersal of the Supreme Soviet in September 2014.

From this point a bourgeois [counter-revolutionary] government and its colonial power was fully established in the Donetsk Republic. The Communist Party was banned, all the Communists from the People's Soviet (Parliament) were expelled. The state budget became secret for the people, the people were deprived of even local elections and their voice in selecting local authorities. Rallies and demonstrations and even a citizens' assembly (town hall meetings) are banned. All in all, this [counter-revolutionary] government deserves only contempt.

Preventing such development was possible only until September 2014 through a concerted action the militias and pro-people's political forces which, however, were then idle and merely waiting [what Moscow and the authorities will do].

After that the window of opportunity closed.
Such is then the [sad] history [of the hope suppressed by the Kremlin].

Если вы думаете, что в ДНР у нас революция, то это не совсем так. В ДНР и ЛНР у нас у власти победившая контр-революция, взявшая верх буржуазная контра. Грубо говоря, "Колчак".
Контр-революция в ДНР победила в три этапа:
1) Избрание 14 мая 2014 года ставленника олигархата и антикоммуниста Бородая руководителем Правительства
2) Первая подмена Конституции, передачи части власти от народного Верховного Совета Президиуму (буржуазного) Правительства, в августе 2014 года.
3) Вторая подмена Конституции, полный разгон Верховного Совета в сентябре 2014 года.
С этого момента в ДНР полностью установилась власть колониального буржуазного правительства. Оно запретило Компартию, изгнало всех коммунистов из Народного Совета, засекретило от народа бюджет государства, отказывает народу даже в местных выборах для выбора местной власти, запретило митинги и демонстрации, и даже "собрания граждан", и в целом, ничего кроме омерзения не заслуживает.
Предотвратить такое развитие событий было возможно примерно до сентября 2014 года, при согласованных действиях Ополчения и про-народных политических сил (которые в этот момент бездействовали и ждали).
После - уже нет, до следующей "развилки Истории".
Вот примерно такая хронология.

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