Thursday, December 11, 2014

El Murid: Is there a hope in new Maidan(s) for Russia? Answer: A wrong question

El Murid contemplates the lessons of the recent "small Maidans" in Vinnitsa and Zaporozhye and tries to see some inspiration for possible action there for, as he convincingly argues, waiting for the junta's collapse on its own is "extremely naive" and "not only stupid and cruel, but also irrational on top of it." So should we desire that this intra-fascist Maidanite unrest spread? El Murid thinks so, but he does not believe that Moscow in its current condition is capable of strategic action.
Here El Murid and others seem to miss one peculiar, peculiarly crucial thing. The Kiev junta and its advisers are capable of discriminating between Maidan, Banderite protest and anti-Nazi, anti-oligarchic protest. They view the former more as a small argument within the family, which, currently, does not change anything significant. But when it comes to the latter, even in the most benign forms like stating a view that might challenge the Banderite catechism and dogma, they view it as terrorism and use all the power, terror, and force at their disposal to squash it.
However, El Murid thinks that what is hurting and threatening Russia most now lies in Moscow and not in Kiev. For he says:
"I will say directly that betraying the Russians and actions of the offspring from Surkov's net do not work any worse than the most arrogant anti-Russian propaganda. Did the West need an anti-Russian Ukraine? These guys did together everything possible together with the West to achieve this. If Russia did not do any work before to create pro-Russian feelings, today she is actively working side by side with the Nazis to create anti-Russian sentiments. Here also lies the response to the question if a similar development can happen in the interest of Russia. It is hard to assume that with one hand we will be betrayng Russia and the Russians and with another hand we will be implementing a policy in our interest. In any case, as long as policies are directed by the same people, the doubts are more than heavy. And this means that such a road is closed to us for now.”

Original text: "Прямо скажем — предательство русских и действия выходцев «гнезда суркова» работают ничуть не хуже самой оголтелой антироссийской пропаганды. Западу нужны была антироссийская Украина? Эти ребята сделали вместе с ним все возможное для этого. Если ранее Россия никак не проводила работу по созданию прорусских настроений, то сегодня она на пару с нацистами активно содействует созданию настроений антирусских.
Собственно, здесь, пожалуй, и кроется ответ на вопрос — возможно ли подобное развитие событий в интересах России. Трудно предположить, что одной рукой мы будем предавать Россию и русских, а другой — проводить патриотическую линию в наших интересах. Во всяком случае, пока политикой заведуют все те же и все там же — сомнения более чем весомы.
А значит — этот путь для нас пока закрыт."

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